Oklahoma VOAD currently has the following committees
These committees are not tied to a particular disaster, but instead focus on their subject matter throughout the year to create guidance documents, best practices, and other resources for the VOAD membership and the general public. You can find some of those resources here.
To contact a committee chair please visit the leadership page.
The Advocacy Committee identifies emerging advocacy-related issues, seeks opportunities to advance policy priorities of consensus importance to OKVOAD, and builds capacity of the OKVOAD membership to engage in State and local advocacy efforts.
The Communications Committee supports information sharing among all stakeholders by developing policies and procedures, tools and strategies to enhance internal and external communication and thereby support the mission of OKVOAD.
The purpose of the Community Preparedness Committee will be to apply and promote the 4Cs to nationwide community preparedness, including promoting preparedness as a national civic virtue and duty, identifying and sharing best practices, and collaborating with all sectors to identify and promote innovative ways to enhance community preparedness.
Charge of the Disaster Case Management Committee is to:
Provide a disaster case management forum for OKVOAD organizations to collect and share information, review emerging trends and issues, and recommend adaptations. Develop, advocate, and promote OKVOAD DCM standards in support of OKVOADs mission and values; and to Work collaboratively within the OKVOAD member and partner network to identify, assess, and foster solutions to overcome systemic barriers that prevent individuals and families from accessing disaster case management services and resources
The purpose of the Disaster Health Committee is to identify and promote evidence-based best practices and initiatives that support Members, partners, volunteers and communities we serve to be better prepared for, protected from and resilient in the face of health threats or incidents with potentially negative health consequences due to disasters.
The Donations Management Committee provides subject matter expertise primarily focused on issues related to unsolicited donations of products, services, and money, but encourages development of relationships between VOAD members and donors. The committee promotes best practices and engagement of VOAD membership with federal, state, local and tribal government, the private sector and the public to maximize the goodwill of donors through planning, education, training, and exercising during all phases of the disaster cycle.
The Emotional and Spiritual Care Committees mission is to foster emotional and spiritual care to people affected by disaster in cooperation with national, state and local response organizations. The OKVOAD ESCC accomplishes its mission in several ways:
- Embracing the unique contribution of various mental health disciplines and faith based groups.
- Identify specific issues of emotional and spiritual needs as a significant component of disaster response.
- Promote best practices, standards and models to provide effective emotional and spiritual care.
The Housing Committee is a forum for reviewing issues and providing best practices and Board-approved guidance documents for voluntary organizations relating to muck-outs and providing temporary housing, repairs and rebuilds. Through the availability of expert resources and sharing of best practices, work is done according to the National VOAD Housing Committee Points of Consensus (POC) while promoting and practicing the 4 C’s.
The Long Term Recovery Group Committee is charged with reviewing issues related to Long Term Recovery Group formation and support.
The Mass Care Committee is a group comprised of voluntary agencies in the provision of shelter, feeding, bulk distribution of relief supplies and related services during disasters. Its purpose is to pursue avenues for joint action and planning among these and other willing partners to communicate, coordinate, cooperate and collaborate. It is the intention of the committee to speed the provision of critical services to those affected by disaster, reduce the duplication of efforts so that the greatest use can be made of limited resources during crisis, and establish a united voice for advocacy in working with our public institutions, including emergency management at the local, state and federal levels, to prepare our communities for the disasters they will face in the future.
The Volunteer Management Committee provides critical resources, training, and technical guidance to more effectively manage disaster volunteers.