REVISED May 2017
The purpose of the Oklahoma Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (OKVOAD) is to bring together organizations active in disaster services to foster more effective response to the people of Oklahoma in times of disaster through: Cooperation, Communications, Coordination, and Collaboration.
The purpose and mission statement of the National Voluntary Organization Active in Disaster (NVOAD) and the bylaws of OKVOAD specifically prevent either organization from providing direct disaster service to victims, except as requested by government agencies, as this would then make NVOAD/OKVOAD another response agency. In view of this, OKVOAD will continue to be a facilitating agency to bring together as many voluntary organizations active in a disaster response as will participate.
With this in mind, OKVOAD shall support response to disasters in the following manner:
- Once a request is received for OKVOAD membership support, the OKVOAD chairperson (or designee) may coordinate a conference call, webinar or email for all OKVOAD membership.
- OKVOAD chairperson (or designee) may report to the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) when requested and become the liaison for all OKVOAD membership not then represented in the EOC.
- OKVOAD chairperson (or designee) will meet with the Oklahoma Emergency Management Liaison (or designee), and will facilitate an OKVOAD conference call and/or meeting as soon as practical to do so.
- OKVOAD Chairperson (or designee) will provide the organizational minutes regarding OKVOAD agency activities to the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (ODEMHS) at regular intervals or when necessitated by significant changes in service or location.
- At the close of the response phase of an operation, OKVOAD Chairperson (or designee) may request a consolidated report from each voluntary organization assisting in disaster response which will enable OKVOAD to implement best practices that will enhance future response operations. Reports will be brought as an agenda item at the next OKVOAD member meeting following the disaster.
- The OKVOAD is a support network as designated in the ESF#6 and ESF #14 as a Support Agency, in the State of Oklahoma Emergency Operation Plan and will engage with ODEMHS when requested and as able to assist.